- If you choose to do this assignment it must be posted by 8:00 PM EST (Eastern Time Zone Poll Closing) on Tuesday Nov 4.
- You may earn up to 35 pts extra credit (3 pts per state) 5 pts for all ten, for a superior effort.
This blog assignment is simple but challenging. The outcome of the 2008 presidential election will come down to the vote in ten crucial swing states. The New York Times has covered each of these states independently. If you read these summaries you will understand Tuesday night’s Electoral results so much better.
In order to earn the extra credit you must do the following:
- Read each separate state summary
- Post (in your own words) your evaluation of the situation in that particular state as reported by the Times. In your summary tell me what you see as the most significant issues brought up in the article. Add your own thoughts and opinions into the summary.
- Come up with a snappy headline in quotes, something that captures the win like “Obama lassos McCain in Montana.”
- Finally choose which candidate (Obama or McCain) will take that state. (your choice has NO bearing on your grade)
When posting do so in the following manner –
- Note the name of the state – IE – MICHIGAN
- Note the number of electoral votes – IE – 17
- Identify who you think will win the state – IE – TYLER DARNELL
- Write your snappy headline in quotes
- Write your summary
- Skip a line or two before the next one.
Extra Credit
13 Electoral College votes
“Finally hurting pocketbooks pays off”
With the economy the way it’s been even if a Democratic candidate hasn’t won Virginia since 1964 I strongly believe Obama can take this state.(Also Virginia’s expansion of schools could have a leaning effect toward Obama’s victory; since he has a better education plan.)
21 Electoral votes
“Got to spend money to make money”
Senator Obama has “invested” $34 million here to McCain’s $20 million. Even though Obama lost this state to Mrs. Clinton in the Democratic primary the people of Pennsylvania seem to be leading for Democratic candidates since 1988. This will be a closely won state, and I feel it will be this way because McCain has visited Pen. 16 time, but Obama has the people behind him. If McCain finds a way to pull Penn. This could become a very close race for the two candidates.
15 Electoral votes
“Automatic win?”
John McCain two months ago pulled out of Georgia because he felt it to be an automatic win. Right now the state shows 49% McCain and 46% Obama. Since this state is so strongly Republican I think McCain will win; unless a strong 1.7 million black population voters (35%) of Georgia vote for Obama. Could make this state a very hard state for McCain to win.
11 Electoral College votes
“Winner winner chicken dinner”
Missouri has voted for the winner of the election save one in the last century. They last voted for Bush, but seeing what president Bush did to our nation I think they will start to lean for Obama. This state comes down to if the people feel more strongly for war, or economy issues.
3 Electoral votes
“Guns…Does it make the difference”
Obama has “invested” a lot of money into Montana; he has visited five times this campaign, and has opened 19 campaign offices. McCain has no campaign in Montana, but planned to spend $300,000-$400,000 in the final days of the race. Even though Obama is trying really hard to take this state the people love hunting and shooting sports. Obama will most likely not win this state do to the gun issue.
27 Electoral votes
“Never Democratic before? Times are changing”
Obama still is out spending the Republican’s, and has more campaign offices then John McCain. I think Florida will vote for Obama. After the current terms under president Bush the people of Florida I feel will lean towards Obama.
20 Electoral votes
“The Palin effect”
Obama has I feel won the vote of the rural areas of Ohio, but Sarah Palin has excited the Republican Party in Ohio. In the polls Obama is ahead, but if Sarah Palin had enough of an effect to turn some Democratic votes towards voting for Obama then McCain might be able to pull Ohio. It should be a close state, but Hopefully Obama will win.
9 Electoral votes
“Minds made up”
Some voters in Colorado have already voted. This makes it harder for any Candidates to persuade Colorado when people’s minds were already made up. I feel that Colorado is more Republican based and will vote for the Republican Party.
New Hampshire
4 Electoral votes
“Finish strong”
Obama and McCain are both campaigning in New Hampshire in the last few days to try to win peoples votes. New Hampshire has been voting Democratic the past few years, and Kerry had won there in 04. I think that they will stick with the Democratic candidate and vote for Obama. Even if Hilary won in the primary.
North Carolina
15 Electoral votes
“Out doing your competition”
Obama has “invested” twice as many offices, more than twice as many paid staff members and thousands more unpaid volunteers, and he has out spent McCain more then 8-1 in television advertisements. Also many people have voted early and they were twice as many Democrats as Republicans. People are seeing that McCain is thinking about the past, and not change. After President Bush that’s exactly what our country needs is change. Obama has done a really good job here campaigning. Even though the current polls show a close race. I strongly feel that Obama will pull threw and take North Carolina.
“Big Virginia Votes for Bigger Change”
Virginia is now a bigger state with more Electoral College votes since their population has increased 50% in the past 10 years. It normally votes republican and hasn’t voted democrat since 1964. But the people have changed with these growing numbers and this new population brings with it a chance at voting democrat. I think that it will vote for Obama. I think that the people in Virginia are ready for a change and will no longer just be republican, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
“Obama’s actual effort in Pennsylvania pays off”
The candidates are pouring a lot of money into Pennsylvania. McCain’s campaign believes that the only way to win the election is to win Pennsylvania. Although he has put a lot of effort into this state, Obama has put in even more. Pennsylvania hasn’t voted Republican in the past 20 years and I don’t think they will start now. Currently it is leaning Obama, but due to his hardworking effort here I think it will turn solid blue by election night.
“What a shock McCain wins the republican state of Georgia”
The article states that mass turnouts of blacks at early polling stations could help Georgia go democratic. If all democrats, especially black, show up the race could be very close. They are also afraid that their polling stations may not be able to handle the mass numbers of people. Although many people believe that people in Georgia are ready for change and will vote for Obama, I believe that history will hold true. Georgia will vote Republican as they always have.
“McCain takes everywhere but big cities”
Missouri is a significant state because it has a record of voting for the winner of the presidential election. It has 11 Electoral College votes, which are really important to win. Obama normally has big cities and McCain normally has country areas. They are now battling over the leftovers. Although I think Obama would be the best choice economy wise for this area, I think they will vote with their religion for McCain.
“Obama’s interest in Montana works out good for him”
Obama has put a lot of money into Montana and has even visited here five times. This is unusual for a candidate to do and McCain has not stepped foot in Montana once. It was suspected that Obama would have a good chance to win here, but then Ron Paul supporters put his name on the ballot. This is taking votes away from Obama. Although many people believe that McCain will win because of the issue of gun control, I believe that Obama will win because the people appreciate the effort he has put in.
“Big upset, McCain loses the usually republican state of North Carolina”
North Carolina doesn’t often end up in the air. They are usually a “shoe in” for the republicans, but surprisingly Obama is even in the polls with McCain. This could be due to many factors; new voters, 20% of registered voters are blacks, his overwhelming amount of effort put out, or the economic crisis. All these factors make me believe that Obama stands a chance, and may even win.
“New Hampshire almost goes democrat, but not close enough for Obama”
Obama has recently taken the lead in the polls here. New Hampshire has been heading in the direction of democratic for the past few years, but has been republican in the past elections. In the primary they chose Clinton over Obama, and voted hard for McCain and basically gave him the republican spot. McCain is campaigning hard here these last few days, and I think this will help him to win the state.
“Early voters help Obama”
Most of the votes have already been cast in Colorado. 46% of registered voters have done early voting, or a mail-in ballot. So far the majority of the ballots sent in where from registered democrats. But the largest groups are unaffiliated. I think this is very good for Obama because I’m sure many of these voters are ready for a change.
“Close Ohio not close enough to help McCain”
Polls show Obama winning by only a little in Ohio, but it is expected to be very close. One third of voters will probably vote early. The rural areas are the ones that will most likely make up the deciding vote. Obama has been fighting hard in these areas. I think that Obama will win in Ohio because he has worked hard, and they really don’t like Sarah Palin.
“Florida’s ready for change”
Florida in my opinion is probably the most important to win. Democrats really want to take back Florida, and McCain must win here to win the election. Although Obama has more offices, advertising, money, and voter registrations it is still unpredictable. McCain was stationed here in the navy and hopes this will give him an advantage. I don’t think it will. Florida’s economy is hurting bad! This is thanks to the past 8 years with Republican and they know it. Florida is ready for a change, and I think they’ll vote OBAMA!
– Florida
– 27 Electoral votes
– Obama
– “Obama yer Momma”
– I believe that Obama will take this state because he has a lot more of everything in Florida: Obama has 100 offices to McCain’s 80; more advertising money; and more democratic registered voters than republican. But it really could go either way; it’s extremely close in the polls to call.
– Ohio
– 20 electoral votes
– McCain
– “Goodbye-o Ohio”
– I believe that John McCain will take Ohio. I think this mostly because in the past Ohio has gone republican. I also think this because Sarah Palin has a very close base with many of the evangelical Christians. Now Obama has held a lot of faith in the democratic cities of Columbus, Dayton and Cleveland. But I do not think that will be enough for Obama to win Ohio.
Florida- 27 electoral votes
Florida is a very important state that McCain would need in order to win this election, however, in recent polls Obama has shown to be in the lead by a small bit. The polls have been showing one-digit spaces in between the two candidates. McCain has been saying that the tax increases will only put more people out of work. Many people are concerned about that because unemployment is the highest it’s been in 14 years. In my opinion, I think that Obama will take Florida, because he’s spent so much more time campaigning there and he has twenty more offices.
Ohio- 20 electoral votes
In recent polls, it’s shown that Obama has a small lead over McCain. This is because of a lot of rural campaigning on Obama’s part. The rural areas are just as important as the big cities. However, due to the large population of Evangelical Christians, many people have leaned towards Palin and McCain. In the end, I think that Obama will win mainly because of his focus on the rural areas and big cities.
Colorado- 9 electoral votes
With all of the early voters, Republicans have become worried. As of Friday, more Democrats have cast their ballots than Republicans. Obama does show a lead in the polls; however, he’s not taking any chances and is planning a rally in Pueblo on Saturday. I think that Obama will win because he’s doing a lot more, and McCain has started campaigning less in Colorado.
New Hampshire- 4 electoral votes
Due to the strong support of Hillary Clinton in the primary race, many believe that McCain still has a chance to beat Obama in the election, even though recent polls show that Obama has a lead over McCain. Both parties are focusing on areas that supported Clinton to try to win them over. They also both believe that the race is much closer than it seems in the state. I think that Obama is going to take this state, because of the efforts and the polls show that Obama is ahead right now.
North Carolina- 15 electoral votes
Even with twice as many more offices and thousands more volunteers than McCain, he and Obama have pulled neck-in-neck in North Carolina. Many people have voted early, with twice as many being Democrats. I think that in the end, this state will go to McCain, just because in the past they’ve tended to lean Republican.
Virginia- 13 electoral votes
Currently in Virginia, the polls show that Obama is ahead by a very small margin, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that McCain won’t win the state. Many people in Virginia are concerned about the gun issue. Most people are under the impression that Obama will take their guns away from them. Another big topic in this state is the economy; many people realize that Obama is going to attack the issue with more force than Senator McCain would. I think that McCain will probably take Virginia, mostly because of its strong history in being Republican.
Pennsylvania- 21 electoral votes
In Pennsylvania, Obama is ahead by double-digit margins. This doesn’t mean that McCain doesn’t have a chance though. He’s spent 24 million dollars in advertisement, hoping to win over some Clinton supporters. Both candidates have concentrated on this state, because Pennsylvania hasn’t voted Republican since 1988. Personally, I think that Obama will take this state, due to the fact that it has been Democratic for a while.
Georgia- 15 electoral votes
In Georgia, McCain treated it like an automatic win, while Obama has still been campaigning. Many of the registered voters have voted early, about 1.7 million out of 5.6 million people. If there’s a high turnout of African American voters, about 30%, then Obama may have a chance to win this state over. I think that if there are a lot of African American voters, then Obama will take Georgia.
Missouri- 11 electoral votes
This state is the closest out of all the other states. Although McCain won the primary here, he won it narrowly, mainly due to the population of Evangelical Christians. Obama and McCain have been vigorously campaigning all over the state. Many people in this state are concerned about the war in Iraq, and think that McCain is going to put the war ahead of our country’s needs. I think that Obama will win this state, just because McCain has already stated that he will stay in Iraq if elected, and Obama is completely against this.
Montana- 3 electoral votes
Obama has done vigorous campaigning here, while McCain has done absolutely none. Obama has visited the state five times and has opened 19 offices. McCain hasn’t stepped one foot into Montana, or opened any offices. The issue of gun control is big here, because many people are extremely into hunting and shooting. Although Obama has said that he won’t take guns away, many people don’t believe him. I think that Obama will take this state, just because of all of his campaigning and efforts.
32 PTS EXTRA – No Headlines – Still a really good job on the post. I put the Headline thing on there late. Sorry.
13 Electoral votes
“McCain dominates Obama in Virgina”
A democratic presidential candidate had not won in Virgina since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. But the population and political winds have changed especially in the northern region. Loundon County and the young growing families are what makes it a swinging solidly republican state. Some say McCain position on the war is good and even though Palin has a lack of experiences it doesn’t matter. Now i find this very interesting that people say Palin’s lack of experience doesn’t matter. Especially with McCain age and his health, you would think that her lack of experience would mean more to voters, because I know it matters to me.
21 Electoral votes
“Obama slams McCain in Pennsylvania”
Pennsylvania has not voted Republican since 1988. McCain has spent 20 million dollars on advertisment within Pennsylvania. But Barack had him beat with an amount of 34 million in Pennsylvania. Obamas headquarters had 50 volunteers on computers and on the phones. The McCain office didn’t have one. I find this very cool that Obama had so many volunteers but McCain didn’t seem to have one. Go Obama.
15 Electoral votes
“Obama slay’s McCain in Georgia”
The reports from early polling in Georgia showed that 35 percent were black and more than 1.7 million of Georgia’s 5.6 million registered voters casted there ballots. Mr. Towery had stated that you cannot be the fastest growing state in the nation for African Americans population and be drifting to become a massively Republican red State. And this is totally true, people in Georgia can not expect McCain to win there state because of this known fact that Georgia is the fastest African American growing state in the United States.
11 Electoral votes
“Obama’s Religion puts McCain ahead in Missouri”
Missouri has voted for the winner in ever election. Democrats usually run up majorities in St. Louis and in Kansas City and Republicans dominate dozens of rural countries in between, leaving both parites room to fight over the suburbs around the two huge cities. Obama’s challenge is 3 of every 8 Missourian describe themselves as a christian compared with a quarter of people nationwide. I find this very interseting because people do consider Obama’s religous background when deciding who to vote for so it doesn’t suprise me to read that people are considering his religion.
27 Electoral votes
“McCain defeats Obama once again”
Obama has more of everything in Flordia officies. But florida has voted republican in the last two elections. McCain has been saying Obama’s economic increase in taxes would put even more people out of work. This means a lot to Flordia just like Michigan because the unemployment rate in Flordia has hit and all time high. This message that McCain is sending will be heard. But that fact is true but false, because Obama wants to raise taxes for people who make more than 250,000 and give tax cuts to people who make less than 250,000. So if people no the issues they will no that, that statement is false.
13 Electoral votes
“McCain dominates Obama in Virgina”
A democratic presidential candidate has not won in Virgina since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. But the population and political winds have changed especially in the northern region. Loundon County and the young growing families are what makes it a swinging solidly republican state. Some say McCain position on the war is good and even though Palin has a lack of experiences it doesn’t matter. Now i find this very interesting that people say Palin’s lack of experience doesn’t matter. Especially with McCain age and his health, you would think that her lack of experience would mean more to voters, because I know it matters to me.
21 Electoral votes
“Obama slams McCain in Pennsylvania”
Pennsylvania has not voted Republican since 1988. McCain has spent 20 million dollars on advertisment within Pennsylvania. But Barack had him beat with an amount of 34 million in Pennsylvania. Obamas headquarters had 50 volunteers on computers and on the phones. The McCain office didn’t have one. I find this very cool that Obama had so many volunteers but McCain didn’t seem to have one. Go Obama.
15 Electoral votes
“Obama slay’s McCain in Georgia”
The reports from early polling in Georgia showed that 35 percent were black and more than 1.7 million of Georgia’s 5.6 million registered voters casted there ballots. Mr. Towery had stated that you cannot be the fastest growing state in the nation for African Americans population and be drifting to become a massively Republican red State. And this is totally true, people in Georgia can not expect McCain to win there state because of this known fact that Georgia is the fastest African American growing state in the United States.
11 Electoral votes
“Obama’s Religion puts McCain ahead in Missouri”
Missouri has voted for the winner in ever election. Democrats usually run up majorities in St. Louis and in Kansas City and Republicans dominate dozens of rural countries in between, leaving both parites room to fight over the suburbs around the two huge cities. Obama’s challenge is 3 of every 8 Missourian describe themselves as a christian compared with a quarter of people nationwide. I find this very interseting because people do consider Obama’s religous background when deciding who to vote for so it doesn’t suprise me to read that people are considering his religion.
27 Electoral votes
“McCain defeats Obama once again”
Obama has more of everything in Flordia officies. But florida has voted republican in the last two elections. McCain has been saying Obama’s economic increase in taxes would put even more people out of work. This means a lot to Flordia just like Michigan because the unemployment rate in Flordia has hit and all time high. This message that McCain is sending will be heard. But that fact is true but false, because Obama wants to raise taxes for people who make more than 250,000 and give tax cuts to people who make less than 250,000. So if people no the issues they will no that, that statement is false.
13 Electoral votes
“McCain dominates Obama in Virgina”
A democratic presidential candidate has not won in Virgina since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. But the population and political winds have changed especially in the northern region. Loundon County and the young growing families are what makes it a swinging solidly republican state. Some say McCain position on the war is good and even though Palin has a lack of experiences it doesn’t matter. Now i find this very interesting that people say Palin’s lack of experience doesn’t matter. Especially with McCain age and his health, you would think that her lack of experience would mean more to voters, because I know it matters to me.
21 Electoral votes
“Obama slams McCain in Pennsylvania”
Pennsylvania has not voted Republican since 1988. McCain has spent 20 million dollars on advertisment within Pennsylvania. But Barack had him beat with an amount of 34 million in Pennsylvania. Obamas headquarters had 50 volunteers on computers and on the phones. The McCain office didn’t have one. I find this very cool that Obama had so many volunteers but McCain didn’t seem to have one. Go Obama.
15 Electoral votes
“Obama slay’s McCain in Georgia”
The reports from early polling in Georgia showed that 35 percent were black and more than 1.7 million of Georgia’s 5.6 million registered voters casted there ballots. Mr. Towery had stated that you cannot be the fastest growing state in the nation for African Americans population and be drifting to become a massively Republican red State. And this is totally true, people in Georgia can not expect McCain to win there state because of this known fact that Georgia is the fastest African American growing state in the United States.
11 Electoral votes
“Obama’s Religion puts McCain ahead in Missouri”
Missouri has voted for the winner in ever election. Democrats usually run up majorities in St. Louis and in Kansas City and Republicans dominate dozens of rural countries in between, leaving both parites room to fight over the suburbs around the two huge cities. Obama’s challenge is 3 of every 8 Missourian describe themselves as a christian compared with a quarter of people nationwide. I find this very interseting because people do consider Obama’s religous background when deciding who to vote for so it doesn’t suprise me to read that people are considering his religion.
27 Electoral votes
“McCain defeats Obama once again”
Obama has more of everything in Flordia officies. But florida has voted republican in the last two elections. McCain has been saying Obama’s economic increase in taxes would put even more people out of work. This means a lot to Flordia just like Michigan because the unemployment rate in Flordia has hit and all time high. This message that McCain is sending will be heard. But that fact is true but false, because Obama wants to raise taxes for people who make more than 250,000 and give tax cuts to people who make less than 250,000. So if people no the issues they will no that, that statement is false.
15 PTS EXTRA CREDIT – Final Post – Nice job
John McCain
“Will this tennis match be in McCain’s Favor?”
Flordia has had a difficult time deciding who will be getting their votes this election. Senator Barack Obama has started stepping it up, he has more offices at this point, more advertising money, and a higher voter registration in his favor. McCain has began spending quite a bit of time visiting the Navy there. His main statement while making a trip across Flordia from Daytona Beach to Sarasota was “Obama’s tax increase would put even more people out of work.” That statement had a huge impact on Flordia with their unemployment the lowest has been in 14 years.
John McCain
“The suprise state will go to John McCain”
Ohio has always been a state who you wait to see on the election night who won it. Last election the voted Republican for George W. Bush. As of thus far Obama has a very slight lead. The state is very much divided between the Republican and Democrat parties. The enthusiasm in Ohio right now is at an all time high, officials expect 1/3 of the voters to vote early. In Ohio, Sarah Palin has excited her party’s powerful evangelical base.
Barack Obama
“McCain may have pulled out of Colorado a little to soon”
A big piece of this election is already done in Colorado, the amount of early votes all ready to be counted is close to 46%. Registered Republicans outnumber Democrats in Colorado by close to 10,000, out of 3.2 million total. McCain’s television advertising in Colorado has starting dropping about two weeks ago. Although since then, Obama’s numbers have went up by some large numbers, he’s not taking any chances.
New Hampshire
Barack Obama
“Who will get Hillary’s leftovers?”
New Hampshire has been a Democratic state for some years. Of the ten toss up states they are one of the two that voted Democratic last year. In the primary New Hampshire voted for Sen. Hillary Clinton, making many believe that because of that McCain still has a shot. McCain has made an amount of visits here in the last week or so, he knows many of the people there have no idea until a few days before the election who they will vote for. Research was done by the University of New Hampshire said that many of the new voters in New Hampshire are democratic.
North Carolina
Barack Obama
“Obama in control”
North Carolina has a huge Obama organization. Obama has more than twice as many offices, twice as many paid staff members and over twice as many unpaid volunteers. This year a record number of people have voted early, twice as many being Democrats as Republicans. In North Carolina the registered voters are about 21% black and the degree to which they turn out will be huge for Obama.
John McCain
“McCain holds the right ticket”
This is a state where a Democratic presidential candidate has not won since 1964 (Lyndon B. Johnson). Obama and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin have both made recent stops in Virginia to rally. Obama has been able to hold a steady lead in this state due to the population surge of almost 50% in the last year. Both candidates are going ot make one last visit to Virginia in the last days of campaigning.
Barack Obamaa
“Just look at those headquarters”
Pennsylvania has been a state not to vote Republican since 1988, and John McCain realizes that. The Republicans realize they need to take this state. John McCain has put more effort in this state, as far as visits and advertisement, than any other state. But Obama is always once step ahead, he spent $34 million in advertisement to McCain’s $20 million. The support this state has for Obama as far as volunteering beats McCain hands down. Will the votes do the same?
Barack Obama
“The African-American race holds the key to this one”
People stood in line waiting to cast early votes for nearly 4 hours, 35% being the black race. About 6 years ago this state was run solely by the Democratic party, they stopped their support since then. Barack Obama has brought the democratic voting base out again. It is hard for anyone to believe that the fastest growing state in the U.S. for African-Americans will become a red Republican state.
John McCain
“They go head to head in the ‘burbs'”
The polls show that Missouri is the tightest race than anywhere else in the country. Missouri was one of Obamas first stops, with many more following. McCain and Palin have also keyed in on this state as well. Missouri has voted for the winner of every presidential election over about the last century. Obama and McCain are beginning to fight over the suburban areas, and the pocketbook issue seems to put Obama up top.
Barack Obama
“Obamas’ heart goes to Montana”
Obama has spent more time as a presidential candidate than many others have spent in Montana. What is really holding Obama back? His views on the gun laws. Democrats have not one Montanas’ votes since 1992. Obama has pushed extremely hard in this state, he has evened opened up 19 campaigning offices to McCains’ 0.
Nice job! 35 PTS EXTRA CREDIT.
*Extra Credit*
Electoral Vote: 3
In Montana there are a lot of wide open fields and a lot of small cities. Which the residence feel its really surprising to see a presidential candidate by the name of Barack Obama. Obama has spent over $160,000 a week on visiting and advertising. The last time Montana voted for a Democratic president was when Bill Clinton was running for office in 1992. Which then brings McCain, McCain is totally for hunting and shooting rights which is causing a lot of people to want McCain to win.
I believe that the residence in Montana are going to vote for McCain because hunting is a big factor.
Electoral Vote: 11
This article is way different compared to the other articles that I read. This one is more leading to McCain then it is toward Obama people in Missouri believe that Obama is not qualified and is going to do everything the wrong way. On the other hand people believe that McCain is going to keep the country safe.
By the way the residences in Missouri are talking I believe that McCain will win over the state.
Electoral Vote: 15
In Georgia residence waiting in a 4 hour line to vote for the next president. On Friday when the voting poles closed more than 1.7 million of Georgia’s 5.6 million registered voters had placed their ballets. A client manager at a mortgage company had made the comment that they feel this is the year that Georgia could go for democratic. “People are hungry for change so bad they’ll wait as long as it takes”.
I believe that Barack Obama will also win Georgia because of how much people want a change.
North Carolina
Electoral Vote: 15
In North Carolina Mr Barack Obama had tucked flyers into the windshields of cars announcing a free breakfast paid b Barrack Obama himself. IN North Carolina they believe that they have not seen a real presidential race for over 10 years or more. Obama has more than twice as many paid staff an thousands of volunteers. However, Mr. McCain is starting to catch up with Mr. Obama with the amount of advertising he is recently providing. For all of this taking place people are starting to vote earlier then needed. A couple people believe to vote earlier then needed. A couple people believe that if they vote for McCain then everything will stay the same or even get worse. But by voting for Obama’s things will change over time.
I Believe that Obama will win this state as well because of all the effort he is putting into this campaign. BY doing this people are going to think about it twice. I f he is going all this now why would he stop if he becomes president.
New Hampshire
Electoral Vote: 4
IN New Hampshire John McCain hope that he will have an easy sell in the election. However, Barack Obama has taken over the polls in New Hampshire. Just going into January Obama is in the double digits and some people still believe that McCain has a shot over that state. The University of New Hampshire researched and found out that more than half of the new voters are leaning towards democratic. In New Hampshire people make their final decision during the last 3 weeks of the election over 3000 volunteers for Obama’s party has been answering phones, going door to door and putting signs in peoples front yards and in front of businesses.
I believe that Obama will win New Hampshire because of all the volunteering that is occurring and because he has had a lead of double digits over McCain.
Electoral Votes: 9
IN Denver Colorado more than 1.5 million voters or in other words 46% of people who voted are just waiting for them to be counted. With the mail in ballots received on Friday majority of the are for the democratic side. But then again the registered republicans outnumbered the democrats.
So I believe that Obama will win Colorado because of how many people have already placed their ballot ins.
Electoral Votes: 20
In Ohio some people are wanting their state to go republican because McCain has got wisdom. But other people want the state to go democratic because people believe that McCain don’t know what it is like to be in debt and to be hurting. Also because people are just sick and tired of everything and believe we just need a change.
I believe that Obama will win over Ohio because we just need a change..
Electoral Vote: 27
In Florida two republican walked up to a lady’s house looking for her husband which is now 62 years old. Beth replied that they were a little late because her husband had already voted for Democratic even though he has never voted for democratic in his entire life. With that said John McCain must win Florida over to seize the president position. After everything going on John McCain finds himself falling behind. Now with Senator Barack Obama, he has more than 100 people in his office than McCain with a whopping 80 people. Also people registered to vote for Obama is estimated at 660,000 and with the republican side it is estimated to be at 280,000.
I believe that the democratic will win over Florida just because of how many people are registered to vote for Obama and then the amount of people who are registered to vote for McCain.
Electoral Votes:21
In Pennsylvania, the electoral votes are at 21. People there has not voted for republican since 1988. For Senator John McCain to win Pennsylvania he has spent around $21 Million in advertisements and has visited the state with running mate Sarah Palin 16 times. But not enough to beat Obama, Barack has spent around $34 million in advertisements and if you travel to his headquarters’ there is more than 50 volunteers and McCain has none. But remember when Hilliary Clinton was running Pennsylvania is the state that she beat Barack Obama in. With enough said I believe that Obama will win over Pennsylvania because nobody has voted republican since the 1988s , the amount of money he has spent on advertisements, and because he has way more volunteers then McCain.
Electoral Votes : 13
In Virginia the population rose up to 50% more then the last 10 years. With Virginia being such a small state 50% more people has made a big compact on everything, including the electoral votes which are 13. The last time the state has voted democratic was in 1964. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Palin have held rallies within the last couple weeks, putting signs next to each other in people front yards and in front of stores.
Even though I believe people are ready for change I think that Virginia will still vote for McCain because they haven’t voted for democratic since 1964.
No Headlines – otherwise GREAT! 33 PTS EXTRA CREDIT
Florida-Electoral Votes-27
Winner: Barack Obama
Summary: No other state is more of significance than Florida not only does it have a lot of electoral votes that could make or break this election but in recent year it has been up to this state to see who wins overall. Democrats have lost for two straight elections and it would be nice to see the Democratic Party win this. John McCain could have a chance at winning if he won this state although in many recent polls he is falling behind. The Obama campaign has more offices (100 to McCain’s 80); advertising money, and voter registrations (a 660,000 Democratic edge over Republicans, up from 280,000 in 2006). Every poll since September 12 shows a gap of single digits between the candidates, with Obama in the lead. Unemployment in Florida is at its highest rate in 14 years which means that voters might actually listen to McCain who has been saying, “Obama’s tax increases would put even more people out of work.” This message will be heard.
Ohio-Electoral Votes-20
Winner: John McCain
Summary: With their being 20 electoral votes this state could also put an impact in the outcome of the presidential race. Obama has a narrow lead, but partisans put little shock in those. Heavily Republican counties line the western and central parts of the state, and Democrats dominate in Columbus, Dayton and Cleveland. But the electoral war is fought out in confines like Chillicothe, a pre-dominantly white city of 21,000 that mirrored the statewide results in the last two elections by going narrowly for President Bush. Here and across the sate, officials expect one third of the voters to vote early. Mary Michael B. Coleman state that, “Any Democrat who neglects the rural voters won’t win; it’s that simple.” He also stated, “And Obama has put a lot of effort-a lot- into winning there.” Evangelical leaders were slow to warm to McCain.
Colorado-Electoral Votes-9
Winner: Barack Obama
Summary: Close to 1.5 million votes, or about 46 percent of the registered total, are already in the can, cast and waiting to be counted. A misstep at the last minute can only help or hurt so much, since voter’s decisions were made based on conclusions in mid-to-late October. Democratic volunteers had a computer-generated lists, every name came with a one-to-five scale based on prior contact – one being committed to Obama, five being all the way on the republican side. McCain’s campaign is similarly obsessed with the details. They know who has and hasn’t voted. Of the mail-in ballots received as of Friday, more registered Democrats had cast their ballots than Republicans or unaffiliated voters, either by mail or by early voting in regular polling places. Registered Republicans outnumber Democrats in Colorado by about 10,000, out of 3.2 million total, with unaffiliated voters the largest group by far. Obama has been outspending McCain by almost three to one since a decision in Mid-October to spread McCain advertisements out over the remaining time until the election.
New Hampshire-Electoral Votes-4
Winner: John McCain
Summary: New Hampshire propelled Senator John McCain toward his party’s nominations this year, and his campaign hoped that his nonconformist brand of Republicanism would be an easy sell for the general election. Obama has taken a commanding lead in polls in the last few weeks. Obama had a double-digit lead in some polls going into the primary. Despite New Hampshire’s longtime affection for McCain, the state has been trending Democratic for years. Research by the University of New Hampshire found that a third of the state’s electorate is new since 2000, when George W. Bush defeated Al Gore here. The research found that more than half of these new voters are Democrats. New Hampshire voters make their final decisions in the last three days, McCain knows this, and that’s why he’s coming back. Ray Buckley, head of the state’s Democratic Party, said it was undertaking the largest get-out-the-vote effort in state history, with more than 3,000 volunteers canvassing neighborhoods and working phones.
North Carolina-Electoral Votes-15
Winner: Barack Obama
Summary: North Carolina really hasn’t seen a real presidential race for a generation. Obama has pulled even in the polls with Senator John McCain. Barack has more than twice as many offices, more than twice as many paid staff members and thousands more unpaid volunteers. He has outspent McCain more than eight to one on television advertising, although McCain has increased his spending in recent weeks. A record number of people have voted early; twice as many were Democrats as Republicans. Blacks make up about 21 percent of registered voters, and they will probably end up voting for Obama.
Virginia-Electoral Votes-13
Winner: John McCain
Summary: A Democratic presidential candidate has not won Virginia since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.Virginia’s changing electorate more apparent than here in Loudon County, which is a solidly Republican state in presidential elections into a battleground. Cows still graze on farms nearby; the county’s schools are exploding as a result of a population surge of almost 50 percent in the last decade. Senator Barack Obama holds a narrow lead in polls here as both campaigns battle for the state. The population trends and bluish political winds, especially in the northern region have transformed Virginia into the New Dominion. McCain and Obama are making final stops here in the last days of the campaign.
Pennsylvania-Electoral Votes-21
Winner: Barack Obama
Summary: The McCain campaign is down in some polls by double-digit margins in Pennsylvania, which has not voted Republican in a presidential race since 1988. McCain campaign knows that it needs to win this state in order to win the presidential race. John McCain has poured $20 million in advertisement, more than any other state by a long shot yet, that is still not enough compared to Obama. Barack has spent $34 million here. McCain has visited more than 16 times since early June. The Obama office was jammed with more than 50 volunteers on computers and on the phones, and there even was a television crew there from Indonesia just filming everyone. By contrast, at a nearby McCain-Palin office, there was not a single volunteer there which is a reflection how McCain is concentrating on drawing votes in more rural areas on Pennsylvania.
Georgia-Electoral Votes-15
Winner: Barack Obama
Summary: McCain’s campaign treated this as an automatic win. But then came the reports from early polling stations; people were waiting more than four hours in some places to cast their ballots, and 35 percent of them were black. By the time early voting closed on Friday more than 1.7 million of Georgia’s 5.6 million registered voters had cast their ballots, and many of them were in left-leaning urban counties in and around Atlanta, where support for Obama is at a fever pitch. The black turnout is very high. The long lines at early polling stations have also raised concerns that the voting system is not equipped to handle an expected surge on Election Day. Just six year ago that state was controlled by Democrats, but lately the party’s base has not turned out. Matt Towery, a Republican political consultant and pollster stated, “Because Barack Obama is running, he has brought that Democratic voting base back out,” and also stated that, “If Georgia votes at full strength, then it’s a highly competitive state.”
Missouri-Electoral Votes-11
Winner: John McCain
Summary: One of the first places Senator Obama visited after clinching the Democratic nomination was Cape Girardeau. Missouri has voted for the winner in every presidential election save one over the last century, and MR. Obama seems to be fighting for every ballot in every county. John McCain has also campaigned heavily here. Polls show the race in Missouri is tighter than anywhere in the nation. The tradition here is for Democrats to run up majorities in ST. Louis and Kansas City and Republicans to dominate in the dozens of rural counties between, which leaves both parties to fight over the suburbs around the two big cities. That is a pattern that, thanks to pocketbook issues, would seem to benefit Obama. But Obama faces a challenge in that three of every eight Missourians describe themselves as Evangelical Christians, compared with about a quarter of people nationwide. McCain won the Republican primary here narrowly, receiving less than a third of the vote and narrowly defeating former Gov. Mike Huckabee of neighboring Arkansas.
Montana-Electoral Votes-3
Winner: John McCain
Summary: This state with its small cities and wide-open spaces is not used to seeing presidential candidates at all. Senator Obama has run an aggressive campaign, spending about $160,000 a week on advertising and visiting the state five times during the campaign, including spending Fourth of July in Butte. Ron Paul, the libertarian Texas congressman running on the Constitutional Party line here. Mr. Paul’s supporters here asked if they could put his name on the ballot. He agreed, and then changed his mind; but his request to be taken off the ballot was too late. Now polls show him drawing 4 percent, and he is particularly popular among conservative voters in this independent-minded state. The Republican National Committee was planning to spend $300,000 to $400,000 in these final days of the race, most of it on television advertising. Some Republicans think this will be a hard race for Obama because of the issue of gun control. The last time a Democrat won a presidential election in Montana was Bill Clinton in 1992. Obama has worked hard to win the state besides by just visiting. He has opened 19 campaign offices here, while McCain has none.
30 PTS EXTRA CREDIT – Nice job Kaylee – 53 minutes late / but you’ve really gone into depth. So we’ll only take five points off. NICE JOB!
Guy G 3rd
*extra credit*
John McCain
“Young Voters for Change”
Right now Obama has a small lead over McCain in this state because of all the young voters. In the past is has usually been a Republican state, but recently swung towards the Democrats. The reason is that Obama appeals to the financial crises more that McCain, which is a big deal in rural areas. In the end, I think the conservatives will still overpower the new liberals in this state.
John McCain
“African Americans will decide Georgia’s Vote”
Right now Georgia is still a toss up. Obama has a good chance at taking Georgia, even after its long history of being Republican if the turnout of black votes is high. A lot of people are going towards Obama because they feel he will bring a bigger change to the country. He has won over a lot of conservative votes in the state, but not enough to win; he needs to get a huge turn out of African American voters in order to win. I feel that Georgia is too diehard republican to swing towards Obama.
Barack Obama
“Montanans afraid of losing guns”
Montana is currently a toss up state. Obama has made a good impression in Montana because of the fact that it is a state that is normally over looked. It has just small cities and a bunch of land. It is only worth 3 electoral votes so they don’t see presidents campaigning in the state to much. Obama has paid attention to them by campaigning and he spent 160,000 dollars on advertising. The think Obama has going against him is the fear that for some reason, Obama would take away their guns, which is a huge deal to someone in the open country.
Barack Obama
“The Money State”
Florida is a huge state in this election. If John McCain wants to win the election he better win Florida. Florida has been mostly a republican state it the past but is recently starting to show sign of going blue this election. This is because people just want change. Also, Obama has been working hard in Florida, he has 100 offices set up and McCain only has 80. He has way out spent McCain in advertising, and has 660,000 voters registered as democrats. People in Florida, like many other states have the lowest unemployment rate they have had in a long time, most people look at Obama and see change.