October 5 – Election Update

Created by Zack Jenkins, Dominique Oudsema, Joe Line, and Robert Porter.

Go here for the October 5 podcast for an update of the 2012 Presidential Election.  Go to this link for accurate up-to-the-minute polling data on the election at Real Clear Politics.com.  Finally, stay tuned and go here for weekly updates from Senior Current Issue students as they bring you the drama of the 2012 Presidential Election.

October 5 podcast summary:

The article we chose for the podcast talks about how to soon it is to consider any changes in the polls and the Electoral College. The only thing that is for sure is that the state of Ohio has turned from likely Obama to a toss-up state. On Thursday after the National Debate on Wednesday it is estimated that Governor Romney is trailing President Obama 43 percent to 48 percent. It is still too early to actually have any real numbers on how the Wednesday debate had any effect on the Electoral College. The technique used to estimate the polls showing Romney trailing President Obama by only 2.2 percent. But this may be inefficient due to the fact that it has been only two days since the debate. No real polls have been taken, so the only real change that is for sure Ohio changed to a Toss-Up state.

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