Final Flight Costs – Chicago to D.C.
- OUT – Chicago to D.C. / Saturday May 4 / 10:53 AM to 1:39 PM
- RETURN – D.C. to Chicago / Fricay May 10 / 3:34 PM to 4:33 PM
Airfare + fare lock to hold the tickets – $222.
I wil add $20 to our ticket cost ($160 from all eight of us) in order to cover gas for each parent ($50 + $50 = $100) who must drive to Chicago in order to get us there and back. Bre’s mom will drive us to Chicago on Saturday May 4 – we still need somebody to drive back from Chicago on Friday May 10. I will also drive both ways, but I’ll cover my own gas. In addition we’ll add ($60) to parking at O’Hare for my car…I’ll be leaving my car there and the cost for a week will probably be close to $100. I’ll cover the rest.
So that makes our final transportation cost $242. We originally planned for $250. This is an $8 discount. We originally totaled the final bill for the trip at $1289 so this drops it down to $1281.
Hey don’t forget that if we used transportation through the Close Up foundation and if they had taken care of our airfare and a van ride to the hotel that we would have had to pay $473 instead of $242. Airfare alone we saved $231.
What then do we still need? Lets find a second driver for Friday May 10 return from Chicago. And we look pretty good – drop me a line if you have a question. Or if you have a volunteer driver.