- Please go here for MP guidelines.
- Please go here for Letter Writing Guidelines.
- Please go here for a list of your elected represenatives.
- Take a look at some solid examples… Ashley Weaver / Kaily Parks
- Please go here for Calling Congress 101.
- Please go here for Federalism test chart.
- Don’t forget you have ACT articles to compile. One per group member.
The reasons you write these letters will vary…
- learn more about the issue.
- assert political pressure on elected representatives.
- influence the voting public.
- solidify ties with like minded organizations.
- send a challenge to organizations that conflict with your Mission.
This portion of the assignment will be via US mail or the Internet.
Every A.C.T! member must write a least one letter. And the group one letter. So a group of two will do three. A group of three will do four and so on. We will learn how to write a quality letter. You will have various guidelines to go by. All letters must be 12 point font, with 1 inch margins, and typed. You may submit letters via E-mail, however E-mail letters, like regular mail, must be okayed for sending by Mr. Wood. I will NOT clear a letter that has any misspelled words, or does not convey what I think is a coherent message. You may run the letters by me as many times as you wish. When a letter is cleared it counts 100%. If it is not cleared by due date that letter counts 0% no matter how many times you’ve rewritten the letter.