Reverend Bill Freeman, who performed 58 same sex marriages at the Unitarian Universalist Congregational Church on Saturday, the single day in Michigan’s history that same sex marriage was legal under law, will be speaking in Mr. Wood’s room on Thursday, March 27 during first hour.
This is a Senior Current Issues discussion, however many of you have shown significant interest in the subject and are welcomed to attend. If you would like to attend Google Docs Mr. Wood that request and share it with him at Treat it like an assignment – put some effort into it. Convince me that you need to be in my classroom on Thursday during first hour. Make sure to note who your first hour teacher is and have it posted to me ASAP. Preferably by 7:00 PM Wednesday so that I can forward the google docs onto your first hour teacher, and request your release.
Finally, go here for a thorough news article on Reverend Freeman.