Category Archives: 3 Economics

ECON – Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

In Economics we will look at three significant social programs in the United States.  These are the main components of the social safety net for American citizens.  Medicare and Social Security are entitlements, meaning every American citizen qualifies.  Medicaid is a needs based program accessibly by the poor and elderly, including access to home care assistant from centers as Home Care Assistance 9050 W Olympic Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (310) 857-4726 which you can find at  Obamacare has widened accessibility to health care both for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.

We will address each of the above programs with Youtube videos.  We will test on each of  the following upon return from Christmas Break.  Test will be open notes – so take good notes.

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Filed under 3 Economics

College Talk #2 – The Bill…How to pay for it ALL

ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE – Tuesday November 25.

For all things college – go to our website – building a better  Please go here for extra credit assignment in discussing this material with mom and dad.  Go here for College Talk Review – “Podcasts and Websites”

It isn’t just about deciding to go to college.  It’s about choosing the right one and planning for the cost.  A two or four year collegiate degree can be expensive.  If you aren’t smart about the process you can be saddled with debt that will last long into your adult life.  The key then, becomes, figuring out how to navigate the mind field of college costs; and making it to the finish line without mortgaging your future.

The most serious mistake you can make in this entire college challenge is to sign on every dotted line and take out every loan that comes across your plate.  The second biggest mistake is to fear debt so much that you don’t go to college.  The key is to go eyes wide open, to learn all that you can learn, and to make wise decisions.  That and apply for as many loans and financial aid as you can get your hands out.

You can do this if you are smart about it.   Good luck:)

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Filed under 3 Economics, Uncategorized

A Google Docs Debate

The goal for any Google Docs Debate is for you as an individual, and for us as a class, to take an issue and have an intelligent conversation about that topic.  This is not a rant session – its a thoughtful and collective online discussion.  You have particular requirements that you must fulfill in the process.  More significant however, is that you listen and learn from your fellow compadres.  I will join you.  So, let’s talk.
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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics

College Talk 2 – Survey Reflection

Thank you for your honesty in filling out the pre survey on College funding and Costs.  Results are interesting.  I think it will be healthy for us to read through these results regularly throughout the study of this unit.   It’ll put our challenge into perspective.  And I think also, comfort comes from knowing you are not in this thing alone.  Finally, we need to be honest on where we began, if we are going to be effective in making progress into the future.

Please make sure to visit – Building A Better World website for college scholarship information.

Remember the only bad decisions here – are no decisions.  Don’t procrastinate.  Let’s get moving…together.

  • Go here for College Talk Assignment #1 – “To Go or Not to Go”
  • Go here for College Talk Assignment #2 – “How to Pay for it”
  • Go here for College Talk Assignment #3 – “Real World Examples”
  • Go here for College Talk Review – “Podcasts and Websites”
  • Go here for  Data of the Multiple Choice Questions Survey 2014 sem #1.
  • Long Answer Questions
  • Go here for #4 – Stress Level going in
  • Go here for #5 – Five years out where will you be
  • Go here for #27 – One word response to cost  of Higher Education
  • Go here for #28 – What do you want to learn
  • Go here for Assignment – that takes you through survey results.
  • Go here for extra credit NPR podcasts – for unit supplementation.

And below find helpful links to College Costs and You on Blendspace.

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Filed under 3 Economics, Uncategorized

Warm Ups, Bell Ringers, Anticipatory Sets – I need your honest input

Hey guys…I’ve been trying something different with our POW’s, and WOW’s. I need to hear from you…this survey is totally anonymous. Nobody will know its you…please be thorough in answering the questions below. Thank you.


Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

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Filed under 2 Government, 3 Economics