Category Archives: 3 Economics

Out of Control

Go here for an extremely thorough report from the Washington Post on how world health organizations failed to stop the Ebola disaster.



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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics

Bravo to the Federal Republic of Germany – Free College Tuition

Congratulations – Sara and Laura and Sarah and Helena!b23671f0-41b5-11e4-_772194c

Take a look guys...what do we have to do, what do you have to do, to keep the United States from becoming a third world state?  What do we have to do, what do you have to do keep yourself from accumulating thousands of dollars of debt just to get a college  education.  What do you have to do to keep your unborn children from accumulating tens of thousands of dollars of debt, just to get a college education?

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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics

Stop. Look. Listen. What’s going on in Denver?

Representative Colleen Lamonte of the State House 91st District was in our classroom first, second, and third hours on Friday.  You all did well; so did she.  Good exchange of ideas…good discussion.  Challenging questions and thoughtful answers.  I think it was a good day for democracy.

What’s going on in Denver is a good lesson in democracy.

This nation of ours is a mess… and its not getting any better.  Corrupt public policy driven by ignorant and apathetic public interest swirling into dysfunction…unless of course you are have a lot of money: how many of you asked Representative Lamonte what do we do about the cost of higher education?  How many of you are worried about that cost?  How many of you will have children; and if you do, how on earth at this present rate of tuition increases, will they ever see the inside of a college classroom?  This system is broken and it affects us all.  You in particular.  And nobody really knows what to do about it.  Nobody knows how to fight back.

In fact many of you asked that question as well.

Well, high school kids in Denver are providing a lesson in fighting back. They are saying  “NO” to being bricks in a wall.  They are out of class.  They are in the streets.  They are bringing their parents with them.  This is the first amendment, this is the fourteenth amendment in action.

So let’s look!  And let’s learn.



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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics, Uncategorized

Remind 101 – Sign up for Mr. W’s Assignment reminders

Many of you have mentioned that Remind 101 works pretty well.  I’ve signed up for it… I will post one time on small Breaking Badassignments; more on major assignments.  I will try to remember to make that post the morning prior to the day the assignment is due.  “No reminder” is not an excuse for a missed assignment, nor does it mean I’m breaking bad, although that too may be the case.  You will not be given an extension on homework if I forget to post on Remind 101.

For access merely follow directions below.

The phone number for all five classes (616) 604-4129

  • Go here for Senior Current Issues.
  • Go here for Period 2.
  • Go here for Period 3.
  • Go here for Period 4.
  • Go here for Period 5.

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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics, Uncategorized

20 years from now…

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”       Mark Twain


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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics, Uncategorized