Category Archives: 3 Economics

MCC Fall 2014 – International Organization / United Nations

  • Model U.N. – International Organizations United Nations
  • Course # PSCI – 210 A – F01 – one credit 
  • 9/18/2014 – 12/11/2014
  • Thursdays 4:30 PM to 5:40 PM
  • Main Building Rm 238

For class information

  • Go to
  • Click on the Search for Classes button towards the top
  • From there, make sure the term is Fall 2014
  • In subjects, click on PSCI- Political Science and then submit
  • Scroll down to Course #210 A – Faculty  R. Wood

This is a very cool one credit class.  It will be the first course I’ve taught at MCC, so if you sign up we will be learning together.  The course goals are such that they culminate with a three day conference in Chicago with student teams from all over the country.  MCC will have a team…I will be kind of like a coach.  We will be randomly assigned a nation state.  I have no idea right now what country that will be.  However, our entire Marking Period will be consist of digging online, and reading, and writing, and learning about our country, so that come the conference we will be able to best defend it in a United Nations style setting.  We will learn about everything from International treaties and history, to agriculture and water rights in regard to our assigned state.  In December we go to Chicago with the knowledge we have gained and engage other college students from around the nation, in a three day conference that models the United Nations.

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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics, Uncategorized

OHS c/o 2014 Graduation

Congratulations to the OHS c/o 2014.  It’s been a nice run for you all…and now its on to bigger and better things.  Your entire life lies before Teacher with Her Young Painting Studentsyou.  So much to see; so much to do.  And a world that badly needs your passion and intelligence.  Please do your part, however small, to leave this planet a safer and more hospitable place for those who follow you.  Enjoy the run.  Be mindful.

I will be sitting in the stands on Sunday.  Since I started at OHS in 1991, I have attended all but two of the Oakridge High School graduations.  My feelings concerning this decision are mixed; I love taking part in commencement and paying respect to the young people we have enjoyed, learned from, and inspired over the past four years.  There are many in this senior class who I feel close to.  I’ve labored on this decision for a while and feel compelled to explain my reasons.  Below you will find my letter to the Oakridge staff; it will detail the reasons why I am not participating in graduation ceremonies.  I believe the issues highlighted in that letter are vital to the success of  future graduates at Oakridge High School and the well being of the future of public education in the state of Michigan.

While I will not be on the floor during graduation, I will most assuredly be thinking of you all.

…and blowin my air horn and clanging my cow bell.

Please go here to find my letter to OHS Staff.

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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics


Please check links for Senior Exams to be given on Tuesday May 27 and Wednesday May 28.  Remember, you must do the exam for final-examseach of the classes in one sitting.  I will not allow you to leave and come back the same or the next day.  It provides an unfair advantage having left the classroom and returning to finish the exam.  In addition make sure to bring your two Micro-financing assignments in for grading prior to the Economics Exam.  If you have any questions concerning Final Exams email me at or call (616) 402-8668.  Be prepared.

  • Go here for Senior Current Issues Final Exam guidelines.
  • Go here for Economics Final Exam guidelines.
  • Go here for Government Final Exam guidelines.


Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics

Challenging Third World Poverty by Empowering Girls

Supporting and protecting and empowering girls in the developing world; helping them to reach their full potential is key to liberating all people from the devastation of  third world poverty.   We will concentrate here on two organizations The Girl Effect and Camfed.  Assignments and links will spin off of these two organizations.  Go to each site below, read the article from the New York Times.


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Filed under 3 Economics, Uncategorized

Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

Take a look below at the United States’ three largest safety nets…



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Filed under 3 Economics, Uncategorized