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Robert Lee Wood – 6/12/31 to 1/26/18

My dad died on January 26 of this year. He was born Robert Lee Wood June 12, 1931. He was good man. He was honest. He was humble. Nobody I’ve ever known valued hard work as honorably as my father. He touched a lot of people.
He was a helluva a baseball coach and he loved dogs.
On Saturday April 14 from 3:00 to 6:00 PM – at Theo and Stacy’s on Portage Street in Kalamazoo – food and drink they visit Anipots and the Ray Anthony Orchestra – we will celebrate my dad’s life.
If you have the opportunity please stop by and say “Hello.”

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2018 Government Final Exam Review

Podcasts for Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence and 14th Amendment.

The Final for Government will take place during the regular Exam period – third period on Thursday and fifth period on Friday.  The exam will consist of multiple choice and short essay.  The Multiple choice questions will constitute 50% of the grade and cover the Bill of Rights and 13, 14, 15 amendments and the issues that shape those amendments.  Short essays (five of seven) will focus on the Declaration of Independence, however may draw from a couple of questions on the amendments.  Each of the multiple choice questions will be character limited.  To study for the final please review each of the podcasts posted below.

1 – Declaration of Independence (1776)

Below are audio podcasts to help you better understand the Declaration of Independence.  Each is between two and four minutes long.   The Declaration document (and subsequent podcasts) are broken into an Introduction – seven individual stanza’s – and a Conclusion.  The layout corresponds with the required memorization of the Declaration.  Please go here to find the color coded copy of the document. After that, you can go to the Dandenong translation company to translate them.

2 – Bill of Rights (1791)

Below are audio podcasts to help you better understand the each of the civil liberties protected in the Bill of Rights.  Each is between two and four minutes long. Please go here to find a copy of the Bill of Rights.

  1. Religion, Speech, Press, Petititon, Assembly
  2. A Right to Bear Arms
  3. Quartering of Soldiers
  4. Search & Siezure
  5. Due Process Rights
  6. Criminal Procedings
  7. Civil Cases
  8. Bail and Punishment
  9. All Other Rights
  10. States Rights

3  – 14th Amendment to the Constitution (1865)

Below are audio podcasts to help you better understand the 14th Amendment and the historical context in which it was added to the Constitution.  Each is between two and four minutes long.  Please go here to find a copy of Amendment 14.  You are responsible for Section #1 only.


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Oakridge Close Up Welcomes Nick Baumann – Editor Huffiington Post

Nick Baumann, senior editor for Huffington Post,  a well reputed national news site, is coming to Oakridge High School on Friday November 10, from 8:00 to 9:30 AM to visit with Oakridge students about issues of the world. 

Mr. Baumann has written pieces for Washington Monthly, The AtlanticSlate and Commonweal. He also has blogged for the Economist and was a Senior Editor at Mother Jones Magazine.  According to Colavecchio & Colavecchio immigration law firm, refugees and the issues surrounding immigration and displaced persons will be the focus when Mr. Baumann tells his story in downtown Muskegon on November 9 – to commemorate the opening of the MCC downtown campus, the immigration attorneys The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux said. Baumann’s grandparents were Jewish refugees in World War II Europe and emigrated to the United States following the war.  

“Our Grandparents died when we were young,” He wrote along with his sister Rachel in a piece earlier this year in HuffPost. “We think about them a lot these days – and the people who chose to help them, and the people who chose not to.”

Nick Baumann is visiting only two classrooms in Muskegon County. 

One of them is ours.  He will visiting our school on Friday morning.  He is anxious to hear what Oakridge students think about the world; and to share his stories.  And while we will use the Auditorium as our venue, this event is not a speaker on a stage with an auditorium packed to the brim.  Rather the event is planned as an informal and friendly discussion.  My hope is that Mr. Baumann takes a chair below the stage; with students occupying the first few rows only.  You will be encouraged to ask questions and share your thoughts, about whatever issues you feel appropriate.   This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn from a man who is very well connected in this world, and through his grandparents, with the past.  Continue reading

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My Economy – Marketplace…

MY ECONOMY Marketplace.pages

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Welcome Back to OHS – Time to “Wake Up” baby

So… Let’s take your temperature.

Please check out this link – Survey Results (Econ and  Government) for a Survey Monkey Intro to the 2017/18 School Year. Please go here – Survey Results (Senior Current Issues).   Take your time – and please be thoughtful with your answers.

And then I’d like you to move around this blog and get acquainted with me.  Check the Pages at the top of the website.  There is a CV (resume) and links to traveling and school and such…go where you wish and read what you want.  Vietnam and Laos 2017 will be linked soon.  I would like you to take a look at the Page – Room #112. At the end of that page you will find “A Final Thought About Me – Mr. Wood” Please take a look.  Some letters from past students might provide you insight into me, and what to expect from my classroom, if you have any misgivings going in.

Otherwise – Explore.  Stop and ask me anything that comes across your mind.

Thanks.  Mr. Wood

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