The goal of 08 ELECTION News is to provide students a wide array of various news articles to read and inform themselves of the upcoming Election. Too often in our TV/internet age we settle for a sound bite or a 30 second TV commercial for getting to know the people and policies of those who ask for our vote. That’s not enough. We need to inform ourselves. Hopefully this site will help take you one more step towards that goal.
Also – you have an opportunity with every article posted, for extra credit. Each article will be accompanied by a question. Answer the question (according Blogging Guidelines) and you may earn up to five points extra credit to be applied to future blog assignments.
I will post articles. You can submit articles for me to post or you may link your own posts here. I ask that you choose reputable news sources so that we are exchanging facts, not gossip. Feel free to use this site to debate this election or these articles with your colleagues. Youtube links are also welcomed.
In the end it must be our goal to become informed. If you are eligible to vote – then do so proudly anchored in the knowledge of personal research. If you can’t yet vote – help others to “wake up”. And if you know citizens who will vote – and do not pay attention to the issues that guide their decision – push them. Make them feel uncomfortable that they don’t know the facts, and still may be deciding not only their fate, but yours as well for the next eight years. Do whatever you can to help your fellow citizens to turn off the 30 second TV commercials and to truly inform themselves before they walk into that Election booth on November 4, 2008.
Christian Science Monitor – Women voters could be key to presidential race
Question: This article – paragraph seven – states, “It used to be that if I said, ‘A woman in politics,’ it conjured up a generic image,” says Ms. Mandel. “Now people might think of Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin or Condeleezza Rice. These are very different women with very different ideologies.” Read the article. What does this statement mean to you, and how is it important in the politics of this election?
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