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Bill of Rights / Amendment #14 / Podcast review

Listen to the following podcasts in order to be prepared for the Government Final Exam. 

1 – Bill of Rights (1791)

Below are audio podcasts to help you better understand the each of the civil liberties protected in the Bill of Rights.  Each is between two and four minutes long. Please go here to find a copy of the Bill of Rights.

  1. Religion, Speech, Press, Petititon, Assembly
  2. A Right to Bear Arms
  3. Quartering of Soldiers
  4. Search & Siezure
  5. Due Process Rights
  6. Criminal Procedings
  7. Civil Cases
  8. Bail and Punishment
  9. All Other Rights
  10. States Rights

2  – 14th Amendment to the Constitution (1865)

Below are audio podcasts to help you better understand the 14th Amendment and the historical context in which it was added to the Constitution.  Each is between two and four minutes long.  Please go here to find a copy of Amendment 14.  You are responsible for Section #1 only.

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Apple Computer – MacBook Pro Serial #C02K71BJDTY3

To Apple Computer Customer Service….

Please go here to access my Letter of Complaint for the above computer.  I have been a loyal Apple Customer since 1985. I have owned at least eleven computers in that time period.  I trust that you will take my concerns seriously.  The letter is linked on my School Website since there is no way to attach a PDF to the Apple complaint sight,  so I created one with the sodapdf software and attached to my School Website instead.  I’ve also linked a video that documents my disappointment with the machine and the Apple Care Service responsible for its repair.

I hope to hear back from you promptly.

Thank you.   and Sincerely.  Bob Wood

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College Talk Evaluation – 2016/sem#2

Create your own user feedback survey

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Last King of Scotland – ACR #7

In like some horrible way he was a puppet come to life, he was like a plaything of the empire that turned around and said “boo!”  

Amy Blancolli Houston ChroAminnicle

First of all this is a totally optional assignment.  If you choose to do it, and you earn an A or B, I will replace your low 30/60 point grade with this grade.  If you choose not to do it – no harm, no foul.  So if you are a go… you must make three substantial posts.

Dr. Nicholas Garrigan was a fictional character in the film The Last King of Scotland.  When I first found this out I was angry.  I felt like I had been lied to.  I mean the entire movie, in the back of my mind I’m thinking how in god’s name can a young “wet behind the ears” white Scottish doctor get this close to one of history’s real monsters.  Come on; he shoots the damn cow.  He trades uniforms with Amin.  He runs around at Amin’s pool party and ends up having sex with one of his wives.  That’s crazy!  And at the end he escapes?  And not just escapes – he gets out in the raid at Entebbe! Continue reading

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2016 / sem #2 – Pre College Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

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