Category Archives: X 09 GOV


A Wolfies pizza and a big fat Mountain Dew to the winner!

Leave your comments about – numbers, Obama surprise state wins and McCain surprise state wins. Say WHATEVER you want to SAY…but start your post with your final numbers / and follow it up with a brief reason why

remember…a Wolfies pizza and a big fat Mountain Dew to the closest prediction. First post online that gets the total correct wins – YOU MUST POST before the polls close on the East Coast – 8:00 PM EST Tuesday November 4.

For one last look at the Electoral Map check out Real Clear Politics.

PS…don’t forget the Electoral College has 538 votes. So bring your fingers, toes, and a calculator.


Filed under X 09 GOV, X 09 SCI, X Weekly LP's 09

Special Interest Groups in your Community

Click here for the assignment.

Special Interest Groups provide us the opportunity to allow regular folks, like you and me, to band together in order to work to hold our government accountable…to the truth, to justice, to their charter – the Constitution of the United States.  It is the Bill of Rights, the first amendment in particular, that provides us the tools to wage that battle.  Freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and petition – these god given unalienable rights are secured for us by our Constitution.  Every special interest group – your A.C.T! group included – taps into these rights.

Special Interest Groups are everywhere.  In your class, your school, at home, and in the community – just take a look.  For this assignment I want you out in the community finding out exactly what special interest groups your friends and family are involved in.   Download the assignment.  Read it.  Talk to people.   You must find ten special interest groups that people are in.  You may use three teachers in your search and you can use no more than three special interest groups per person.

Assignment is due Friday October 31.

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Filed under X 09 GOV

Last Day to Organize for A.C.T! – Friday 10/10

First of all – Have your book. Have your spiral. Have your pen.

OK guys – by Monday you need to be DONE! Five articles – Five summaries – each article stapled behind the summary. Ready to turn in. You have the hour to work – in my room…Mr. Barry’s room…Mrs. Schroeders room.

But do not forget – we have had trouble with people staying on task – if I get any kind of a report that people were not working hard, not being considerate, not acting like 17 year old is capable of acting, you’ll be spending time after school next week with me, and will lose computer privileges in the future. So, think about it before you act the fool.

Have a great day. I hope to see some good stuff on Monday!

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Filed under X 09 GOV

Welcome to Government

Here’s what we’ll be doing:

The principles that shape our Constitution are as solid today as they were when the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. The ideals that they sought to instill at the core of our country, while often manipulated by our government today, have allowed the United States to survive and flourish for over 230 years. Students, all Americans, have a responsibility to know this government of ours, to participate in this government, and to make this country and world a better place to live. One of the greatest assets of our Constitution is that the Bill of Rights begs citizens to participate. Freedoms of press and assembly and speech have driven involvement from the beginning. The CIvil Rights movement in the sixties flowered from the vine of the Constitution. Those rights are just as available today. Students need to learn but also to use their rights. We have a responsibility in this nation to hold our government accountable to its charter. Most Americans pass on that opportunity. In this class we will celebrate it. If a student merely reads the newspaper with an eye on how current events are shaping this world, they have done more than the average American. I will encourage my students to grab for more than does the average American, so that when they do turn 18 and gain the full benefits of the Constitution, they will not take that privilege for granted.

Please check here for complete Government Syllabus.

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