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Big day Saturday we need everybody’s help.

But first PLEASE get together with Mr. Wood on Friday during Channel One so that we can figure out exactly what and when and how this all takes place. PS…don’t forget to visit Super Dani’s Patches to order your free patch.

Saturday Schedule:

4:30 – Mark Brewer, chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, is meeting us at The Coffee House on Seminole. He has confirmed the meeting and will be there.

5:00 to 7:00 – Assemble with our picket signs and flag in front of the Whippy Dipp on Ponteluna Road. The Oakridge Country Club has no public sidewalk so we cannot assemble there. However to get to the Oakridge Country Club you must go through the light on Ponteluna that hangs between Whippy Dipp and Sams Joint. So anybody who goes to the fundraiser will see and hear our message. It’s a great place to state our case…whippy dipps are pretty good, so we can protest and eat. Meanwhile a couple of dupers can drive up to the Country Club and talk to folks as they enter the fundraiser, give them flyers and get more petition signatures. At 7:00 we’ll head down to the Country Club and leave flyers on all the cars. That’s our plan. We have some stuff to do, first.  At 7:10 we will go back to the Coffee House and celebrate the fact that we live in a society where we can legally assemble and protest the injustices that occur in our democracy.

#1 – We need more posters.
We got some beauties. Dani has been cranking them out, and Rebecca has a couple good ones too. We need more. Try to stop by Friday afterschool.

#2 – 3:00 Saturday at OHS
Mr. Wood will be up to the high school at 3:00 Saturday to get the signs ready. Staple and spray and organize. If you can make it up, great!

#3 – Organization – leave OHS at 4:00
We need to meet Friday and figure out exactly where we will be and when on Saturday. We probably should leave OHS at 4:00 PM to go to the Coffee House to meet Mark Brewer. Then anybody who would like to leave and get over to the Whippy Dipp – we could go from there. For those of you who are obsessed with Sadie Klien and her fast cars (Chad and Dakota) or anybody else who wants to meet us at the Whippy Dipp – be there by 5:30 you should be fine.

OK guys – we’ve done a great job. Stay organized. Keep in touch my cell (616-402-8668) and keep fighting the good fight.


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One Person / One Vote – by Corey Swanson

Super Duper Club Fight Song

One person, one vote they always tell me,
Not so true, I think.

“Come along and join our democracy,”
I don’t know what to think.

They always tell me we’re so equal,
I’d like to think that’s true.

The safety valve’s open wide now,
Pouring money into the bank.

I guess I see what it takes to make a rich man
I guess I’ll never make it down that road, man.

10,000 votes now, that aint so fair,
Give me my rights back, give me my share.
I’ll take clean water, I’ll take clean air,
I’ll take clean conscious, I’ll meet you there.

Come on and join my cry now,
We’ll break down the wall.

Who cares about the vote, man?
Come and join my call.

There should be no lines between us,
Go and cross them all.

It’s a free country for free minds,
Let us join in song.

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The BANNER – TAKE A LOOK!!!!!!!!!!

Check out the Baseball Field Banner here– What do you think?

Actually, Big Sign company that designed it – and Dani this is what graphics majors do – they take an idea by a bunch of people sitting in a coffee shop and then they go to the computer and create. Anyhow the owner of the place Dave Luttral is an Oakridge grad, and his two designers are also ex OHS students. So they took some of our stuff (Brittany’s curve, Dani’s font, Jen’s names in the border, Ariel’s hand) and added some of their stuff (the flag and layout) and they came up with a pretty cool banner. Let me know what you think.

We can change it…we can keep it…we can scrap it…it’s your call. We need feedback.  We will be able to add all the names around the border as soon as we turn them in.

Make sure to read about the Progressive Women’s Alliance and the T-shirts below. 

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Our Flag is official!

Thank you Ariel for dedicating all that time over Spring Break to helping to send the message – “One Person – One Vote”.

It is beeee uuuuuu ttttteeeee fuuuuuullll.


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Big Apple Bagel Spring Break Super Duper Meeting

Dani, Jennifer, Brittany, Mr. Wood, and Rachel met at Big Apple Bagel and talked politics over bagels and coffee today. Take a look.

#1 – Ariel’s Flag is COOL

Check out the photo it is looking Great! She’s about half way there…and she’s working hard. The hand is going onto a green field. And Corey’s slogan “One person – One vote” is working its way through the flag on a yellow ribbon. Way to go Ariel!!!!!

the-flag.jpg#1A – Wednesday Morning Update – Flag Factory in Muskegon
In order to run the gold banner on the flag and get the slogan on there as well, Ariel is using a yellow stripe instead of the yellow ribbon. It’s cleaner and sends the message with a little more oomph. Thought you’d all like to see what it looks like in a flag shop of a third world country, where school kids have to slave hours on a flag making factory line in order to put food on the table.

#2 – OHS Baseball Banner
Mr. Barry is giving us a 50% discount on a banner to hang from the outfield fence on the Baseball Diamond. We worked on the design at the Big Apple Bagel and came up with some ideas. The banners are 10 foot by 3 foot and they will be located around the outfield fence. Most will be advertisements for businesses. But the Super Duper Club will be represented. Look here at the rough draft. We have some ideas that we will bounce off of you in the next couple days so stay in touch…one thought (Brittany’s) was to curve Super Duper over the hand. Another (Jen’s) was to get all of names of the people in the club printed into the black border around the banner. We don’t know yet exactly what we can do, however we will keep you posted. We do want the banner done by April 19 so we can take it to the Oakridge Country Club when we picket for the end to Super Delegates. Take a look at example#1 and example#2. We’ll know more tomorrow.

#3 – T-Shirts look good
We have a design ready to go. Front and back. And it looks very good. Everybody in attendance agreed. We also need to get orders by Tuesday morning’s meeting so that we can have the shirts for Saturday. Monday would be best. We will bring the designs to school after Spring Break. I think you’ll be pleased.

dani-and-rebecca.jpg#4 – Dani and Rebecca patches
Dani is going to make and sew patches on the shirts that look exactly like Ariel’s flag. The patches will be about 4 inches by 3 inches. She’ll sell them for two bucks and if you get one on the shoulder of your shirt you will be liked by all your friends. Stay tuned for the patch photo.

#5 – News Shows – How are you all doing?

  • Brittany is on the move with “Good Morning America.”
  • Rachel is working on “Live at Five”
  • Mr Wood has emailed “NPR”, and “This American Life.”
  • Dani is waiting for Rebecca to contact Stewart & Colbert
  • We need more…lots more. If you have an idea just give them a call.

#6 – 20 signatures per person over break
That was our goal. How are you all doing with that?????????????????? GET TO WORK!

We have so much to do.

  • Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM we have a meeting
  • We need money in for the T-shirts
  • We need to start making picket signs for Saturday night
  • Brittany needs to confirm our meeting with Mark Brewer on Saturday
  • We need to order patches from Dani and Rebecca
  • We have to look at Ariel’s flag and tell her how talented she is
  • We need to eat Bagels and cream cheese on Tuesday morning


Brittany I will see you tomorrow at Graphic House next to Wendy’s on Apple at 12:30 – stay in touch.

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