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Super Dupers @ Muskegon Jaycees

Don’t forget the Super Duper Club has been invited to speak before the Muskegon Area Jaycees on Tuesday @ 6:00 PM at the Holiday Inn Steakhouse. We get ten minutes at the start of the meeting – bring your petitions -I think we’ll get a lot of signatures! Check with Mr. Wood if you want to go…we’ll meet at 5:00 in Mr. Wood’s room. Coffee House following.

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Super Dupers Hit the State Capitol

WZZM and the Super Duper Club – take a look at our first television interview.

Tune into the photo slideshow of our voyage to Lansing!

You all in the Super Duper Club would have been proud of the Lansing contingent. Corey, Dani, Angelina, Amber, Brittany, Myranda, Chad, & Dakota represented the Super Duper Club with class Thursday at the State Capitol. They listened to Congressional Representatives, they spoke before committees, they gathered more signatures, they carried our petitions to the Democratic Party Headquarters and stated the case for the end to super delegates. For all of you who have spread the word, awaken the public, gathered petitions, and fought for our cause – we thank you. Yesterday was about ALL of us. We only carried the message that you all have helped to shape. And we remind you “We have more work to do!” Keep gathering names – we currently stand at 730 – we are shooting for 1000!

Don’t forget – Wednesday’s meeting of the Super Duper Club! If you haven’t been before and want to start now, great! Come on by there’s lots to do in achieving our goal of ENDING THE PRACTICE OF SUPER DELEGATES IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

To those who traveled to Lansing – you guys stole the show. Nice work. At the Capitol and at the Democratic HQ – this is how you change the world – one person at a time. I think you saw that with the reaction of the folks at the hearings to your speeches and petitions. People, sitting and listening, were moved by your knowledge, your presentations, and your message. And then when all of you fanned about the room and visited with students and adults present, and shared your own personal thoughts on the issue and gathered petition signatures, I do believe many people walked away with renewed hope in your generation. Many, I believe, see the Super delegate issue now in a whole new light. I was so very proud to be your teacher and your comrade on this crusade.

OK, enough of all the glad handing – we’ve got lots more work to do. Super delegates are still lurking out there in the dark shadows waiting to steal democracy from us all. So – it’s back to work. This must be a follow-up weekend. I need you to post to me the following as soon as you are able:

1 – All of those letters. Angelina including your petition intro. I will PDF them and get them up on our site. You need to tweak your letters and get them out to the paper, the gov, the delegates, and Howard Dean.

2 – Photos and movies – get them to me please. I will make copies.

3 – Business cards (relevant ones) – take the ones that you remember and post name address, email, phone, and a line about each individual. And if you had a good chat drop them an email.

4 – Thank you – Drop a quick thank you in the mail to anyone you deem appropriate – for listening to us.

People were on our side yesterday…make sure they know we appreciated the support, including Mr. Mieras – for backing us on our sojourn, and Gladys Mosher for being so much fun. And don’t forget our camera guy from Detroit. Please get around and thank all of these people – either online, over the cell, or in person.

Hey guys you really need to check out Bruce Griffin’s photography. Besides being a fan of the Super Duper Club, and a good guy, he is extremely talented. Here’s his website – it might be nice if you dropped him a line. He sent us some nice photos and joined us on the walk to the Party HQ.

…finally, wish Angelina “good luck” on her New York City – United Nations voyage next week – just another chapter on her changing the world – world tour. Angelina, don’t forget to awaken all those Yankees in NYC to the issue of Super delegates! AND HAVE FUN!!!!!

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Thursdays Super Duper Kidspeak at the Capitol

OK guys we got lots to do before Thursday. You all are going to have to pull some stuff together while I’m down here walking across bridges in the 68 degree sunshine.

#1 – We need to call in our petitions. Talk to your friends and get em in. We can send them back out – but we need all that we have now so we can take them up there with us. We will deliver signed petitions to Governor Granholm, Mark Brewer Chairman of the Democratic Party, and at our Kidspeak engagement.

#2 – Those who are going -Angelina, Corey, Chad, Amber, Dani, Brittany – (that is if Chad and Amber can go) you must have a signed permission slip into the school before we go on Thursday. Since we will leave from the school – make sure to get the slip from me on Wednesday.

#3 – We need a second driver -if we are going to take six instead of four. We probably could use two drivers anyhow.

#4 – Letters, Letters, Letters – Anybody who wants to – and each of you who are going – we need letters in order to state our case to the representatives and other kids who are there presenting. The people who we need to target are #1 Attending political representatives, #2 Mark Brewer – chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, and #3 Governor Jennifer Granholm. The letter can be the same – just address it to three separate individuals. You know what to say, you know the facts, you know how you feel – just be honest – tell them like it is! Send me the letter on the blog and I’ll PDF it and post it to the site so others can read it. Dani’s is already up there – take a look!

#5 – We don’t know if we get our 5:00 microphone time – Because we weren’t cleared to go until the last minute – we have not beaten the deadline to present to the committee. That doesn’t mean we will not be able to. I’ve left a couple of messages with the organization…they will be in tomorrow. We will still go up by 11:00 with the intention of presenting and do the best we can to get a place on the stage. Just have your letters and your permission slips ready to go. Plus, we will schedule an appointment with Mark Brewer of the Dem Party.

#6 – Intro Letter – We need a solid letter for all Super Dupers to sign that introduces the petitions – one that would go hand in hand with the petitions – we the undersigned…blah, blah, blah. Somebody please take charge of that – we’ll get it signed by all dupers on Wednesday.

#7 – Don’t Stop Now – You all have done a great job with this issue. You have awaken many people to the injustices of super delegates. You’ve got a lot of your peers passionately involved.  Don’t slow down now…I’ve spent the last four days in Selma and Montgomery and Birmingham listening to folks who put everything on the line to hold their government accountable to the promises of democracy. It took work! It took dedication to their cause! It took the vision for them to see the the basic difference between what was right and what was wrong. And they stuck together. Change in this nation does not come easy. You must be relentless. Make sure you are ready to go come Thursday. That means Tuesday and Wednesday…talk, plan, organize, and prepare. We can do this thing – we really can. It is really up to you…in fact it is up to you the rest of your life.  Shape a good one.  Shape a just planet.  Get involved. Change the world!

#8 – Any Questions, Any Letters, Any thoughts – just post away.

#9 – Somebody please have Dakota ready to go on the shirts on Wedensday.

#10 – See you all on Wednesday

PS  – Selma Weather Report. Oakridge Weather Report
You think four days in Selma – talking civil rights – visiting with folks who put every thing on the line for justice, – walking “the bridge” in the 68 degree sunshine- might be nice next year.  Keep it in mind – we’ll be heading down in March.

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500! 500! 500! We got it!

Minutes of the Meeting Wednesday March 5, 2008.

Members present: Amber Lamkin, Andrea De Nio, Tyler Darnell, Mariah Strait, Britt Weiss, Mike Larabee, Dakota Berg, Angelina Mosher, Chad Barnaby, Ariel Burrington, Briana Fogle, Stephanie Crain, Jamie Busman, Rebecca Houseman, Jennifer Wingett, Dani Patton, Heather Rice, Josh Dykema, Myranda Smith-Peake, Corey Swanson, Mr. Wood.

Keep up the good work! We are rolling.

OK – Accomplishments today.

#1 – 500 – We hit 500 with that last full petition. Nice work. I know it’s tuff but you can do it.

#2 – March 4 Primaries – We talked about the significance of the March 4 primaries. Hillary Clinton won three primaries. She stopped Barack Obama’s momentum and has begun some of her own. How does this relate to us…well, it looks like this thing will be going for some time. And it looks like Superdelegates will be the deciding factor. So you could say – the Super Duper Club won last night!

#3 – Write Letters – We need to write letters. Places that people suggested were – Muskegon Chronicle, Michigan Democratic Party, Democratic National Committee, all of Michigan’s superdelegates, Channel One. Addresses will be posted soon.

#4 – T-shirts – Looking good. Dakota is out there working (when of course he isn’t following the Klein girls all over the place) We have one more chance at black shirt – Dakota and Amber and Dani will check Mr. Stansel’s connections. As it stands now – a neon colored shirt with our designs would cost about $18. That is if we purchased the shirts through the shirt shop and got 36 minimum. Ideas on payment for the shirts were suggested. We could do pop can drives to defer the cost. We might be able to buy the shirts separate and have them made up.

#5 – Girls Scouts Kidspeak – Britt Weiss has a great opportunity for us to present in Lansing at the State Capitol on Thursday March 13 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Kidspeak is an opportunity for young people to express themselves on the issues that concern them most to elected officials and community leaders as well as to the public through the media. We will send at least four people, maybe eight (Amber is also a Girl Scout) to represent the Super Duper Club.

#6 – Vote – Each member voted for the three people who they would send to represent us in Lansing. Britt is seeing if others can come and support us but not speak. We will post the students who will be attending next week. Thanks Brittney.

#7 – Channel One’s Super delegate – We watched the Channel One Interview with the 21 year old super delegate from Wisconsin, who has absolutely no idea that his position is subverting the premise of democracy. We all groaned.

#8 – OUR NEW SIGNATURE TOTAL OF 700 – We would love to be able to take 700 signed petitions to Lansing next Thursday. We decided as a group to set a goal of 700. That means we still need 200 more. That means you need to get out there and work! Make sure to call in all your petitions by next Tuesday so that we can tally them up by Wednesday and copy them for the trip to Lansing.


Wednesday March 12 – Next meeting of the Super Duper Club.

Thursday March 13Kidspeak in Lansing at the State Capitol.

Saturday March 29 – Democratic Party – holds meetings to select delegates to the National Convention in Denver. These are held at precinct locations – there will be one locally. Representatives of the Super Duper Club should plan to attend.

Spring Break – maybe a picket in Lansing?

August 25 to 28Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado.

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SUPER DUPER CLUB is clear winner in last night’s primaries!

Super Dupers meet tonight after school in Mr. Wood’s room.

The only thing for sure in last night’s primary results is that the Super Duper Club continues. It’s pretty clear with Hillary winning in Ohio, Rhode Island, and the primary in Texas that this race is going for awhile, and that it will be that undemocratic practice of Super Delegates that determines the democratic nominee for president of the United States.

So, people let’s roll up our sleeves and keep a workin!

Our agenda tonight.

#1 – T shirt reports. Looks like Dakota and Chad will be giving us some numbers.

#2 – The impact of the March 4 primaries on our Club.

#3 – A RACE TO 500! Where are our totals as of TODAY!

#4 – March 13 at the State Capitol. Brittney Weiss will fill us in.

#5 – Where do we go from here?

See you there. Bring your pitchforks. Torches not needed we have electricity.

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