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Super Dupers Hit 400!

As of noon on Tuesday March 4 the total stands at 400. 500 is in the cross hairs. Keep on keepin on!

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Chad Barnaby Hits the Jackpot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chad Barnaby got 90 signed petitions today! We are off and running – GREAT JOB CHAD! You win the coveted pitchfork and torch award for the single individual at Oakridge High School who made a real difference in the world today.  Speech?

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February 27, Meeting Minutes


Meeting members tonight (21)  – Alysa Uhlenbrauck, Savannah Weaver, B Weiss, B Fogle, M Smith-Peake, A Denio, D Sherman, D Patton, J Wingett, C Swanson, J Dykema, H Rice, J Armstrong, G Eely, D Berg, S Crain, C Barnaby, B Hall, R Bunker, A Lamkin, B Wood

There’s a lot of stuff below – keep us updated on your success with contacts. As you bring in petitions I will post our numbers.


March 4 WE NEED 500 – a big day in the nomination process. If Hillary tightens it up on March 4, Super Delegates will continue to be the deciding factor for either to win. If she loses on that day – there’s a chance she’ll throw in the towel. If that happens – our job will get a whole lot more difficult – people will go back to Doritos and Judge Judy.

March 13 WE NEED 1000 – Brittany has a great opportunity for us to go to Lansing and represent the Super Duper Club before Congress for Kidspeak at the Capitol. Stay tuned for details.

March 29 – Michigan Democratic Party meets in precincts around the state to determine who are chosen as delegates for the National convention. I applied – I have no chance but I think it would interesting to test the process…and we should be able to get a lot of signatures. We certainly should make the issue known there.

Major Accomplishments this Wednesday

  1. Chad Barnaby got 90 petition signatures today – YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! – way to go Chad! Keep it up.
  2. Dakota (the Klein girls’ man) and Chad have been shopping the shirt. Still working on a price. We may have to move off of black – any ideas on colors.
  3. We got 14 clipboards and petitions out there! and we are moving. GREAT!


  • Thurs Feb 28 – first lunch – Myranda, Heather, Savannah
  • Thur Feb 28 – second lunch – Corey, Dani, Jen
  • Fri Feb 29 – first lunch – Myranda, Heather, Savannah
  • Fri Feb 29 – second lunch – Corey, Dani, Jen
  • Mon March 3 – first lunch – Bri, Heather, Savannah
  • Mon March 3 – second lunch – Rachel, Brittany
  • Tue March 4 – first lunch – Savannah, Myranda
  • Tue March 4- second lunch – Becca, Stephanie
  • Wed March 5 – first lunch – Savannah, Heather
  • Wed March 5 – second lunch – Drew, Amber, Andrea
  • Thur March 6 – first lunch – ???????????????
  • Thur March 6 – second lunch – ???????????????
  • Fri March 7 – first lunch – ???????????????
  • Fri March 7 – second lunch – ???????????????

We need Thursday and Friday sign ups – Myranda will you take charge of the Lunch room petition drive? If you are working lunch – see if you can get out a few minutes early – stop by Mr. Wood’s pick up the sign and petition forms (unless you use your own) Hand out flyers only if people want them. Go to tables and have a conversation.

OUR TARGETED AREAS FOR PETITION DRIVES – check in with me when you’ve made a connection at the following places. If you need more petitions – just ask…we’ll ge them.

  • Bowling Alleys – Dakota & Geoff, Heather & Josh
  • MCC – Corey & Angelina & Aaron Brown (guys try to enlist some of your teachers)
  • Churches – Everybody (don’t forget the club name change – What Would Jesus Sign)
  • Coffee House on Seaway – Friday March 7 – Open Mic Night – ??????????????
  • Middle School / Elementary School – Anybody
  • Door to Door – Everybody
  • The Mall – Everybody
  • Dakota’s Dentist – Dakota
  • VFW on Apple Ave – Corey & Andrea d
  • If any parents want to be involved bring em along – Josh?
  • Bells in Kalamazoo – Mr. Wood
  • OAKRIDGE CARNIVAL – lots of petitions

Local Schools – Talk to friends and see if they want to carry this into their school. They need to be responsible…but if you trust them to do it right we will get them flyers, petitions, and clipboards. Here’s what we got below:

  • Reeths Puffer – Geoff & Bri
  • OV – Jen & Chad
  • Whitehall – Alysa
  • Fruitport – Andrea
  • WMC – Myranda
  • Ravenna – Amber
  • MTA – Josh
  • Mona Shores – Jen
  • Baker College – Dani

Stuff that we are currently short of:

  • We need more flyers printed – Thur AM
  • We need more clipboards – Mr. Wood will go to Staple
  • We need more petitions printed – Thur AM
  • picket signs – to Lansing

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February 20 – Super Duper Club was super duper!

We came. We conquered. We continue. Members at the meeting were as follows: Brittany Weiss, Chad Barnaby, Dakota Berg, Amber Lamkin, Andrea Denio, Angelina Mosher, Dani Patton, Rebecca Houseman, Corey Swanson, Jen Winget, Aaron Brown, Tyler Darnell, Stephanie Craine, Jamie Busman, Mr. Wood

OK lasts nights super duper accomplishments.

#1 – Name – there was a minor floor flight over the actual club name. Some thought it was a bit immature. Others liked the fun in it. We comprimised. The official name of our club is – THE SUPER DUPER CLUB – Students Against Super Delegates. You may introduce it as you wish.

#2 – We got a Mission Statement – “We the People” believe that it is the right of the people to determine their nominee for president. No one person’s vote should count more than any other one person’s vote. We call for an end to the use of super delegates in the Democratic Party.

#3 – We have a petition form which Mr. Wood is working on, and which will take one more day to complete. That form will be posted Friday on-line in PDF format. In order to use it, we must enlarge it to an 8X14 size. That’s what official petitions to the government size out at. You will be provided clipboards and petition forms for gathering purposes.

#4 – Amber Lamkin wrote up an intro for the petition form which you will find on the petition form.

#5 – Dakota (the boyfriend of the Klein girls) and Chad presented T-shirt ideas. They were enthusiastically accepted. They will be posted here as soon as we figure out how to open his documents. Currently the print ups of the shirt are on the front board in Mr. Wood’s class – drop by and take a look. Also, Dakota is looking into colors and costs.

#6 – Aaron Brown (our representative from MCC) came by and will spread the word there. He is going to try to bring other OHS grads next week and involve his political science prof.

#7 -The flyer is currently still in process. And we do need one to go to the public. Because the public needs to be awaken – the flyer will help. Rebecca and Dani, Crainiac and Darnell are on it.

#8 – Sam Duff emailed. She wants petitions. That’s cool. We’ve already crossed state lines.

#9 – Andrea Denio has set up a Super Duper My Space.

#10 – We decided to meet next Wednesday after school. Bring your friends…we will be handing out petition forms and organizing petition drives at OHS and elsewhere.

#11 – Somebody e-mail me with the names of everybody at our meeting so that I can post the minutes with those involved.

#12 – Talk to your friends. Bring em along. Get involved. Bowling season is over! The most important thing we can have in this club is people.

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Super Duper Club Meets Wed February 20 2:45

Everybody is welcomed.


1 – Confirm our name 2 – Finalize Mission Statement 3 – Finalize petition forms 4 – Finalize petition letter 5 – Talk about T-shirts 6 – Discuss politics 7 – Sharpen pitchforks 8 – Soak torches 9 – Change the world.

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