Category Archives: X Weekly LP’s 09

LP’s Sept 8 to Sept 12

Lesson Plans will be posted here weekly in PDF format. In order to access them merely click on the correct class. As changes occur to the plans during the course of the week, I will note those changes at the end of the post – not on the PDF original – so please keep that in mind.

To access the current week’s plans, merely go to the “Weekly Lesson Plans” Category on the right, click it and look to the last post. If you have any questions concerning the LPs please leave a reply. I will do my best to get back to you with an answer within 24 hrs.

I hope this helps you to better organize your school work and your life.

Salamou Alaykoum.

Lesson Plan Updates – as the week progresses, there may be changes to the Lesson Plans. I will note changes below:

SCI – Electoral College
Check SCI post for links to Electoral College Readings – in order to better understand the workings of the Electoral College.

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Filed under X Weekly LP's 09

LP’s Sept 1 to Sept 5

Lesson Plans will be posted here weekly in PDF format. In order to access them merely click on the correct class. As changes occur to the plans during the course of the week, I will note those changes at the end of the post – not on the PDF original – so please keep that in mind.

To access the current week’s plans, merely go to the “Weekly Lesson Plans” Category on the right, click it and look to the last post. If you have any questions concerning the LPs please leave a reply. I will do my best to get back to you with an answer within 24 hrs.

I hope this helps you to better organize your school work and your life.

Salamou Alaykoum.

Lesson Plan Updates – as the week progresses, there may be changes to the Lesson Plans. I will note changes below:

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Filed under X Weekly LP's 09