Please go here for the latest update regarding Close UP 2020 – this post was last updated on 4/2/20. Contact Mr. Wood at (616) 402-8668 or with questions.
Stay well…and Woke!
Latest Update on Close Up – April 2, 2020… How to choose on “What to do” in regards to (and how to figure) your 2020 Close Up refund.
Since 1994, every year with exception of one, Oakridge High School has traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the Close Up Experience. We go in May when the sunshine is soft and the skies are blue, when the flowers are in full bloom. The week away in D.C. with kids from around the world, learning about government, roaming Eastern Market and Dupont Circle, the neighborhoods and cafes, walking those monuments in solitude of darkness our first Saturday night, the experience provides a little hope that our government isn’t quite the mess that it always seems to be.

Please go here for Information on our May 2020 Close Up Trip to D.C.