Tag Archives: econ

Reflection Explanations – Assignment Part II

Assignment due posted to Google Docs by 11:59 PM Friday October 18.  Worth fifty points.

You all now have some kind of Reflections Journal book.  We will use these books the remainder of the school year  Mr. wood for specific in class written assignments.  We will begin that process in the Second Marking Period.  But first – we will do one more assignment (50 points) in regard to your creation.

For the front I asked you to create a composite of your life.  Many of you did that with photos.  Others used drawings and quotes.   Now I need for you to introduce me to that production.   To the right you’ll see reproduction  of my Reflection book.  Below, you’ll notice that I’ve drawn an outline of it as well.  On the outline, I’ve numbered (and titled) each of the particular featured photos/drawings on that Reflection book.  I want you to do the same – whether you have two or twenty-two photos.  If you have a quote box it or write it and count it as an item. Continue reading


Filed under 2 Government, 3 Economics

Mom and Dad and You working together to pay for college

Please go here to download a copy of the assignment.  Write your answers on this paper.  . 

We’ve spent a lot of time in Economics reviewing the “Cost of the College” and credible options in paying for it.  Many of you have done a very toon615very good job.  One thing that we have not addressed however, is the significance of teamwork between you and your folks.  This college thing is huge.  It’s expensive.  It’s probably the most significant financial decision that you will make in your entire life.  Things that big you do not do on your own.  You need to work with mom and dad.  The more you know, the more they know, the more you communicate with one another – the better chances for success.  With that in mind I am offering you an extra credit assignment that includes – you and them and both of you working together. Continue reading

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Juniors Scheduling for 2014/15 – Thoughts on Senior Current Issues


I know that you’ve begun your planning for your senior schedules.  I just wanted to toss my two cents worth into your decision making process.  I would like us to have a strong Senior Current Issues class next year.   A few things to think about when making your decisions on that schedule…

1 – Try real hard to dual enroll – whatever you do, this is your best choice to insure success down the road.  You earn credits that count towards college graduation.  The Oakridge School District pays for those credits.  And you gain valuable experience in a college setting, consequently you’ll find a more comfortable transition into higher education in the Fall of 2015; that is key to success.  Get into the counseling office ASAP and see what you can do to make that happen.  If you need help with that let me know.

Go here to see  how OHS seniors from c/o 2014 (Survey Monkey Survey) evaluated Senior Current Issues this year.  

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